BIOPOLYMER Congress 2018
How it all started...
Since its premiere in 2018, the congress has brought together processors and users, manufacturers and suppliers as well as developers of biologically based, biodegradable plastics.
June 19 & 20, 2018
The presentations in detail
Greetings and some technical notes
Peter Putsch
Polykum e.V.
Merseburg (Germany)
Genetically engineered supercharged polypeptides: from sequence control to function
Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann
DWI Leibniz Institute for Interaktive Materials/ Institute of Technical und Makromolecular Chemistry
RWTH University Aachen (Germany)
Cradle to Cradle biopolymeres as an opportunity to solve the microplastic problem
Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart
EPEA - Internationale Umweltforschung GmbH, Hamburg/ Chair of Ecodesign, Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany)
Coffee break
Bioeconomy and raw materials
Session 1
Bioeconomy and raw materials
Session 1
NesteRE options for compostable polymers
Dr. Martin Bussmann
Neste Germany GmbH
Düsseldorf (Germany)
Bioprocess plant design for the fermentative produktion of bioplastics
Dr. Frank Emde
Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG
Bonn (Germany)
QIRA - the next generation of 1,4 Butanediol
Benjamin Rump
Helm AG
Hamburg (Germany)
Lunch break
Materials and additives
Session 2
Materials and additives
Session 2
POLYKUM DigiLab - Virtual material development for thermoplastic biopolymer compounds
Dr. Patrick Hirsch
Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS
Halle (Germany)
New sorting and tracking options based on innovative marker technologies
Jochen Moesslein
Polysecure GmbH
Freiburg (Germany)
Markets: Latin America (I)
Colombia: Introduction to the economic situation and plastic industry
Janosch Siepen
GTAI - Germany Trade and Invest
Bogota (Colombia)
Economic relationship Mexico - Germany
Edwin Schuh
GTAI - Germany Trade and Invest
Mexico City (Mexico)
Coffee break
Phone: +49 (3461) 7940320
Fördergemeinschaft für Polymerentwicklung und Kunststofftechnik
Peter Putsch
Brandisstraße 4
06217 Merseburg
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The Association for the Promotion of Polymer Development and Plastics Technology in Central Germany - POLYKUM e. V. sees its most important task in promoting the transfer of knowledge, innovation and technology and the cooperation of small and medium-sized companies in particular with each other and with science along the value chain. The diverse activities and measures for this include maintaining regular contact with members, organizing workshops and scientific events on industry-specific topics, and organizing joint stands at regional and international trade fairs.
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is the leading trade magazine for decision-makers in plastics processing and offers practical, well-founded information for specialists and managers in plastics processing, mechanical engineering, tool and mold making as well as for raw material suppliers. The magazine supports the implementation of cost- and resource-efficient production and helps to identify new market opportunities.